Posted by: palometaclub | April 6, 2011

500th Permit Update: still at 493

Hard to believe, as there were literally more than 1,000 fish spotted between six boats, but no new permit were added to the total today (Tuesday). However, the entire group was enthusiastic and very happy about their day on the water, even though the permit were being permit. One by one the boats as the boats returned to the beach, we all stood by eager, knowing that at least one fish would be landed. As the anglers, walked up to the the club, smiling from ear to ear, we asked “how was your day”? Every response “very good, no fish, fish very spooky”.

Mari, hooked two, but couldn’t get the rod to her strong hand fast enough to get the hook set, but she was still was really happy.

Dave came back, saying he saw hundreds of fish, but he just could’t get the line out far enough. Off he went, back to the beach, into the water with fly rod in hand needing to practice. Dick was watched him, quickly noticed some things that could be altered, and went down to the beach to give a quick lesson. The first thing that had to go was Dave’s rod. Dick gave him one of his Sage Xi2, 9 weights to use tomorrow.



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