Posted by: palometaclub | May 22, 2011

Age is only a number, it’s how you feel that’s important.

Pat, Alfonso, Carola, Kaye, Rosie and Jose. A group from Madrid, Spain whose hearts are full of joy and laughter.

This past week, I was given a gift that will last me a lifetime.  I must start my post by telling you that when I first saw Carola and Rosie I didn’t know what to think.  I asked myself “are they really fishing, or just vacationing?’  The answer came quickly, within 5 minutes of meeting the gals, I knew that they were here to fish and fish hard. Carola and Rosie have become my idols, at the youthful age of 79, and having a friendship that has lasted 50 years, through war, children and death, these two women, in their souls younger than most people I know.  When I am 80, I desire to be just like them, living life to the fullest and continuing to do what I love.  Carola looking deep into my eyes, with her beautiful, soulful, kind baby blues said ” My dear Kaye, do not ever change, you are wonderful, you have a wonderful life and husband, do not ever change, God willing, we will be back”.  I will never forget the look in her eyes, the sincerity of her words and the feeling of my heart being full.  I love this woman, and hope she does come back next year.  Rosie, was a firecracker, her bellowing and charming spanish accented voice saying “FANTASTIC, I LOVE IT HERE and I AM SO HAPPY” was like a song to my ears.  Rosie is strong, fearless and wonderful.  Rosie and Carola have fished all over the world, they have stayed in tents in Mongolia, fished Argentina, Belize and many other places, and we were honored to have them here at The Palometa Club.
Alfanso and Pat have been married 30 years, Pat was raised in New York met Alfonso on an airplane to Turkey where Pat had a job she was sent to do, he was charming and did not even  notice she was trying to work, finally she shut her computer, and got to know the man she would eventually marry, leave her beloved family and New York and move to Spain. Alfonso and Pat were great!  Pat smiling and telling jokes, breaking the ice with the 4 Dr’s from the United States, and Alfanso the ultimate gentleman, thanking our staff on a daily basis, he was truly appreciative.  Jose Weigand is the group leader, this being his second visit to The Palometa Club.  Jose is  and is an owner of a fishing magazine and creates tv shows on fly fishing that are seen in over 30 countries, he is an outstanding angler and person.  It was obvious that the group he brought were also his friends.
Alfanso, Pat, Robert and Marie Claire Valtz


Robert and Marie Claire have been out guests now for the second time, in 2010 we had the honor of having them for 2 weeks, this year they had just come from a trip to Thailand and India and flew straight from France.   A bit jet lagged, but no worse for ware, they were ready to fish.  Robert and Marie Claire have sort of become surrogate parents to  me. During their visit last year, I fell in love with them, the feelings remain the same today, and I am sure they always will.  They have 5 children and 8 grandchildren, love to travel and fish as much as possible.  They are very generous with their kindness and have invited us to any 3 of their homes in New York, Boston or Normandy, France.  One day, I promised Marie Claire, one day we will surely visit, and I am sure Dick and I will have the time of our lives with our  lovely, lovely friends to whom I call family.
Robert, Greg, Dick ,Pat, Dave, Larry , Kurt and Rosie, playing with the bonefish.
Dr’s Greg, Dave, Larry and Kurt are all Orthopedic Surgeons with a passion for fly fishing.  This was Dave’s second time with us, and mentioned to Dick that they need to come a little earlier next year because we are cutting it a little close to their steelhead fishing.  I think we can work that out for them. Greg came down all the way from Anchorage, Alaska, while the other 3 doc’s live and work in Minnesota.  I’d have to say that these guys love to fish, wanted to go out early and stay out late, of course we accommodate them, with willing guides…why not?
I don’t have any grab and grin pictures, but I will tell you now, that there were 8 permit landed, 3 tarpon many, many bonefish and a variety of other species including, a huge triple tail and a cow fish.
Marie Claire – 1 25 lb. permit
Robert -2 permit
Rosie – 1 permit
Greg – 1 permit
Dave -permit
Larry- 2 25 lbs and 35 lb
Carola – 40 lb tarpon landed with a broken rod (miraculous)
Pat – 35 lb tarpon
Jose – 15 lb tarpon
Alfanso – bonefish
Kurt – bonefish
It was a delightful week, I loved every minute of it and cannot wait for these fantastic people to return.
Kaye Cameron

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