Posted by: palometaclub | April 2, 2011

500th Permit Update: 487

HE’S BAAAACK!… and the permit count has risen to 487, with two nice fish landed yesterday by LMF Dr. Joe Seelig. As you might recall, Dr. Joe was here only three weeks ago and set all kinds of amazing records (see March 9th posting). Well Joe turned 36 on March 28th and bought himself a birthday gift – three MORE days of fishing at the Palometa Club! By his own admission (and we surely concur!) he is a total permit junky. He’s actually a gift to us, bringing his enthusiastic personality and wonderful charm.

This could quite possibly be the week the celebrated 500th fish is caught, because as well as Joe being back in the hunt, we also have the previous record holder of most fish caught in a week, Japanese angling legend Eizo Maruhashi. Who broke Eizo’s record you might ask…Dr. Joe of course!

Eizo is here for his third trip in as many seasons and he’s brought four more master casters with him from Japan. We certainly couldn’t be happier to see them, especially after the tragedy in their homeland. Longtime guest Dave Staub from Colorado rounds out the group, here for his fourth visit to The Palometa Club, and he’s also a pretty good stick. So, we have seven boats out this week, all single anglers, each getting ALL the shots. The action is certain to get quite competitive quite quickly.

It’s very exciting around here today, and we can’t wait for the group to get back in this evening. Stay tuned!

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